A guide for Reading (connecting) with your kids and Book Lists For All Ages!

Forever and a day I have been working on a book list. My friends and fellow parents know how passionate I am about the importance of reading. And so, they frequently ask for book recommends. I LOVE talking about books. I have also written one. Recently I released a book titled“Parenting With Gumption and Grit.” It … Continue reading A guide for Reading (connecting) with your kids and Book Lists For All Ages!

Faith part 1: Believing God Can even when he does not…

This may be an oldie (post) but a goodie. Recently, an acquaintance made an innocent statement that said, “Faith is not believing that God can, but that God will.” I think this could be misleading. Okay, I think in some cases it could even be bad theology-depending on what the writer is referring to-our preferred … Continue reading Faith part 1: Believing God Can even when he does not…

Raising World Changers in an Ever Changing World